
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Aren't We All A Little Bit Crazy?


  1. mentally deranged, especially as manifested in a wild or aggressive way.
  2. extremely enthusiastic.
  3. (of an angle) appearing absurdly out of place or in an unlikely position.    
  1.   extremely.
  1.   a mentally deranged person.

I feel so many toss this word around so freely, that it has become a persons' staple word for someone that is 'different' from themselves. They end up debasing others and causing detriment to self esteem. Craziness all boils down to misunderstanding a person. The greatest inventors, artists, poets, authors, philosophers, entrepreneurs, and trend setters had CRAZY ideas that set them apart from the norm. These people were themselves fully, which allowed ripples of change in the world. No great mind has existed without a touch of madness. 

Don't live in fear of being called CRAZY. Be HYSTERICAL. Be ZEALOUS. Be PASSIONATE. Be EAGER. Be WILD. Be ENAMORED. Be SMITTEN. Live in a way that your extreme enthusiasm rubs off on others. This being the last post of the year, I wanted it to be short, sweet, and to the point. Be YOU tiful. Make CRAZY goals for the coming year and enjoy the outcome. Merry, happy New Year.

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